Wyoming Veterinary Medical Association

Latest News

  • March 21, 2024 11:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    VMLRP Opportunities in Wyoming

    Applications Open Now!

    • WLSB has nominated 8 shortage areas for 2024.
    • Veterinarians servicing these areas can apply for Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program (VMLRP) grants.

    To be eligible, the applicant must serve all counties in the shortage area AND meet shortage type requirements.

    See the map AND shortage area IDs herehttps://www.nifa.usda.gov/vmlrp-map?state=129.

    VMLRP Application Technical Assistance

    USDA-NIFA staff held a VMLRP technical assistance webinar which reviewed details about the VMLRP application components and application submission. The recording and slides can be accessed via the link below.

    VMLRP Webinar Recording and Slides


    • Letter of Intent (LOI) deadline is April 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET
    • Application deadline is April 12, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET

    Please refer to the 2024 VMLRP Request for Applications (RFA) for specific application instructions. Email application questions to VMLRP.applications@usda.gov 


    Free Application Assistance is Available

    USDA-NIFA has a cooperative agreement with LifeSock Inc. who are available to provide up to two hours of 1:1 application support for VMLRP applicants. This service is free. To request this service please email nifaprogramshelp@lifestock.org.

    Please contact WLSB-Animal Health with any questions at 307.777.7515.

  • March 19, 2024 11:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) shared the following information on an animal health issue noted in dairy cattle in Texas. TAHC and USDA are working to monitor and evaluate reported cases. 

    *Cases have also been reported in eastern New Mexico.*

    Dairy Cattle Situation Update

    Clinical Signs:

    • Decreased herd level milk production
    • Acute sudden drop in production with some severely impacted cows experiencing thicker, concentrated, colostrum like milk
    • Decrease in feed consumption with a simultaneous drop in rumen motility
    • Abnormal tacky or loose feces
    • Fever in some animals

    Impacted herds have reported older cows in mid-lactation may be more likely to be severely impacted than younger cows and fresh cows or heifers. Dry cows and heifers do not appear to be affected. In addition, some herds have reported pneumonia and clinical mastitis cases as secondary sequelae.

    Current Efforts:
    The TAHC, USDA, Texas A&M Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (TVMDL), and dairy veterinarians, along with other partners, are working closely to coordinate an efficient plan to monitor and evaluate affected dairy cattle, develop a case definition, and conduct additional diagnostics.

    A strong emphasis on enhanced biosecurity measures is encouraged. As monitoring and evaluation is underway, limiting people on and off premises, and prioritizing diligent biosecurity practices is critical. When more information is available, additional guidance regarding preventative measures at the dairy level will be shared.

    Collection of EDTA whole blood, serum, feces, urine, and milk from sick and paired healthy animals from the same herd may be advised. Veterinarians should collect and document detailed production information on the affected dairy cattle.

    Updated information regarding the situation and case definition will be provided along with next steps. We encourage checking the TAHC website, https://www.tahc.texas.gov/, for situational updates and additional guidance as more information becomes available.

    Additional Information:

    Additional guidance on enhanced biosecurity practices for milk producers is available at https://securemilksupply.org/. Contact your veterinarian if you have further questions on developing an appropriate biosecurity plan.

    If any dairy cattle producers notice these signs in their animals, please consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact the Wyoming Livestock Board at 307-840-1389 or lsbforms-applications@wyo.gov.

    The WLSB will send situation updates via GovDelivery, when notified of any additional information. 

    Wyoming Livestock Board

    Wyoming Livestock Board
    1934 Wyott Drive
    Cheyenne, WY 82002

  • March 08, 2024 11:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Sign up to attend our national veterinary discussions where veterinary professionals can meet with extension educators to discuss honey bee medicine. All veterinary practitioners are welcome to join, including veterinarians, veterinary technicians and nurses, and veterinary students. These are free, virtual meetings to discuss the veterinary needs of beekeepers, learn about honey bee medicine, and talk bees!

    These quarterly meetings will be held on Wednesdays at 7 pm Eastern via Zoom (exact dates listed below). 

    Sign up here: https://msu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAldOuorD8vGd2yGzNht_2RX7C2o6Wk1Bny

    (Only one registration is necessary for all meetings, even if you cannot attend each one.) 

    Meeting dates for 2024:

    Mar 20, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Jun 19, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Sep 18, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Dec 18, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

    Note: For those who are currently attending the Michigan veterinary chats, the national meetings will take place instead on each of the corresponding dates. Please sign up with the link above to attend these national meetings. 

    Looking for more information about honey bee medicine? Visit www.beesneedvets.com.

    Michigan State University Honey Bees

    Pollinator Performance Center  

    4090 N College Rd. BLDG E, 

    Lansing, MI 48910  




  • February 15, 2024 12:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    From August to November 2023, an increased number of canine leptospirosis cases were reported in Laramie County. To evaluate the response to this outbreak, the Wyoming Livestock Board and Wyoming Department of Health would like collect canine leptospirosis vaccination data from clinics across the entire state of Wyoming. 

    To help us evaluate leptospirosis vaccination rates in dogs before and after the outbreak, please, as a clinic, take the survey at the link below. Note, the survey asks for clinic data from October 2022 to January 2023 (pre-outbreak) and for data from October 2023 to January 2024 (during/post-outbreak). 

    Leptospirosis Vaccination Survey

                        We also want to thank you as veterinarians and veterinary staff for                        protecting animal and public health daily in our state!


    If you have any further questions or concerns, please reach out to Dr. Brittney Waranius (WDH) at brittney.waranius@wyo.gov or (307) 214-6764 or Dr. Rose Digianantonio (WLSB) at (307) 256-0952. 

  • January 12, 2024 11:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    60-day comment period open for AVMA members

    Proposed updates to the Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics (PVME) are available for review, and the AVMA is seeking comments from members on this DRAFT. The Principles describe a set of behaviors that serve as a Code of Conduct for veterinarians.

    The PVME is intended to guide veterinarians in the ethical delivery of quality veterinary services in a variety of situations and circumstances. Some of the changes in the updated DRAFT PVME include:

    • Addition of a Code of Conduct, based heavily on the existing PVME’s Principles and Supporting Annotations, with some clarifying edits
    • Integrating the rationale currently included in the PVME’s Supporting Annotations into the Code of Conduct
    • Recasting the Useful Terms section as Definitions

    How to submit comments

    Considering the experiences, perspectives, and insights of AVMA members is important when the Association’s policies are reviewed. Please read through the DRAFT PVME, then complete a short form to communicate any specific changes you suggest and what your rationale is for those changes. The comment period closes at 11:59 p.m. Central Time on March 4, 2024.

    Submit comments here - https://form.jotform.com/233375395762163

  • December 29, 2023 12:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    RFID tags from WLSB are in short supply

    RFID tags have historically been supplied at no charge to Wyoming veterinarians. The inventory of available RFID tags, both brucellosis vaccination 840 RFID tags and official 840 RFID tags (yellow, white, etc.) are in short supply. The WLSB has the following updates regarding tag orders:

    Brucellosis Vaccination 840 RFID Tags

    • Order ONLY what you will use between January 1, 2024 and April 1, 2024.
    • Orders will be limited, and we may be unable to fulfill your entire order request.
    • WLSB will know more about future RFID tag availability in April 2024. 
    • It is the goal of WLSB to continue to supply veterinarians with brucellosis vaccination 840 RFID tags.

    Official 840 RFID Tags

    • These tags are NO LONGER AVAILABLE from WLSB, with the exception of livestock market tag requests.

    Where can I purchase 840 RFID tags?

    Veterinarians can order both brucellosis vaccination 840 RFID tags and official 840 RFID tags (yellow, white, etc.) from a variety of distributers online. The links below provide some options, but numerous other distributors are available.

    Why am I getting calls from clients requesting RFID tags?

    Due to the short supply of RFID tags in our office, WLSB staff will recommend that producers order their own official 840 RFID tags or contact their veterinarians for tags.

    Can I resell official 840 RFID tags (yellow, white, etc.) to clients that need official ID for their herds?

    YES! Just make sure you keep records of to whom the tags are being allocated.

    Y-Tex RFID Tags: Where to Buy
    Allflex RFID Tags: Where to Buy
    Datamars RFID Tags: Where to Buy
    All RFID Brands

    What are the characteristics of an official 840 RFID tag? 

    1. The animal identification number starts with 840.
    2. There is a US shield on the tag.
    bangs and yellow rfid

    Questions? Please contact Wyoming Livestock Board - Animal Health at 307.777.7515.

  • December 09, 2023 9:26 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Wyoming Livestock Board sent this bulletin at 12/08/2023

    Veterinarians have been reporting an increased number of cases of canine infectious respiratory disease in other states, including Colorado, Oregon, Florida, and New Hampshire. However, as canine respiratory disease is not typically reportable to the state, a number of affected animals is not well known. A few practices in Wyoming have contacted the Wyoming Livestock Board about seeing an increased number of cases. 

    The two links below offer expert information on the canine respiratory disease situation.

    NPR Radio interview with infectious disease veterinarians - 3 minutes

    Canine Respiratory Illness Q&A with Trupanion - 1 hour

    A summary for veterinarians and information to share with pet owners is provided below. 

    Case Definition and Symptoms:

    At this time, a specific case definition has not been developed for this disease condition. The following symptoms have been noted by other states:

    • Chronic mild to moderate cough lasting 3 weeks or longer and is minimally or not responsive to treatment. Ocular and nasal discharge may also be present.
    • Chronic pneumonia that is minimally or not responsive to antimicrobials
    • Acute pneumonia that can rapidly progress and become fatal

    **Please report any canine cases adhering to one of these bullet points to the

    Wyoming Livestock Board: (307) 777-7515.**

    Diagnostic Testing:

    At this time, a single causative agent has not been detected. This may be due to a lack of testing or testing being performed too late in the disease process for a diagnosis. 

    Per recommendations from the USDA and diagnostic labs, see testing information below:

    • Ideal testing for suspected viral infection is within the first 72 hours of onset of clinical signs and prior to initiating therapy.  

    • If you are submitting samples, please contact your diagnostic laboratory for appropriate sample collection and storage.  
    • Here are some basic guidelines regarding sample collection for acute respiratory cases:  
      • Collect nasal and oropharyngeal swabs for PCR testing using appropriate swabs and viral transport media.
      • Do NOT use cotton-tipped, wooden shafted swabs as they contain PCR inhibitors. 
      • In cases of pneumonia, respiratory washes can be collected for culture to aid in treatment of infections that have an opportunistic bacterial component. 
    • If you are performing in-house diagnostics or using a diagnostic lab that doesn't have a program for further genetic sequencing in place, consider collecting duplicate samples.  Hold the second set of samples until the screening tests are completed.  
      • If the initial screening tests come back negative, certain diagnostic labs may have additional testing for acute case work-ups. 

    The following laboratories offer canine respiratory disease panels for initial testing. The panels vary by location so please follow the link for further details. 

    Colorado State Veterinary Diagnostic Lab:  

    CSU Canine Respiratory Screen

    Cornell Animal Health Diagnostic Center:

    Cornell Respiratory Disease Testing Advisory

    Kansas State Veterinary Diagnostic Lab:

    KSVDL Testing Information

    Treatment of  Respiratory Disease:

    See the link below for ACVIM guidelines on treatment of respiratory disease in dogs.

    Antimicrobial Guidance on Respiratory Disease Treatment - ACVIM

    Information for Pet Owners

    Infectious respiratory disease in dogs in not uncommon. There are a few different pathogens that can cause respiratory disease in dogs that can be transmitted by direct contact through the air. 

    Pet owners should monitor for the following symptoms and seek veterinary care early.

    Symptoms can include:

    • Coughing
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Sneezing
    • Nasal discharge
    • Eye discharge
    • Lethargy

    A few things owners can do to protect their pets:

    • Ensure dogs are up-to-date on vaccinations. Respiratory disease that vaccines are available for include canine influenza, bordetella and parainfluenza. For appropriate coverage, pets should not be commingled with other dogs within 2 weeks of a booster vaccination.
    • Reduce your pet’s exposure to disease by limiting commingling with other dogs (including dog parks, boarding, grooming, and play groups).
    • Consult with your veterinarian if your dog becomes ill.
      • Early diagnostics may help in getting an accurate diagnosis and treatment. If your dog becomes ill or presents symptoms, keep them at home to avoid exposure to other dogs.  

    Risk to humans:

    • A link has not been reported between this canine respiratory disease and disease in humans. Any person who develops signs of respiratory illness who had close contact with an ill dog should consult with their physician as they normally would during the winter season.

  • November 22, 2023 3:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Over the last few days, we've heard a lot about the mysterious respiratory disease that's causing concerns across the country. With this increased visibility in the pet-owning public and as the we approach the holidays during which time many dogs being boarded or traveling, you may receive more inquiries than usual. We wanted to share this information we've received:



    The AVMA is monitoring reports of canine respiratory illness in the state of Oregon, Colorado, Illinois, and across the country.

    The AVMA has been in contact with officials in Oregon, who say they have received a little more than 200 case reports from veterinarians in that state since mid-August. Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) officials are working with state and national diagnostic laboratories to identify the causative pathogen, are asking veterinarians to report cases to the department as soon as possible, and advise dog owners to work with a veterinarian if their pet is ill.

    The Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biological Sciences says, “The possible virus, which is under intense observation by Colorado State University veterinarians, has been linked to cases of severe pneumonia and, tragically, resulted in some fatalities.”

    Currently, the infectious agent is not known but is under investigation. ODA says cases reported to that agency appear to primarily fall within three general clinical syndromes:

    • ·         Chronic mild-moderate tracheobronchitis with a prolonged duration (6-8 weeks or longer) that is minimally or not responsive to antibiotics.
    • ·         Chronic pneumonia that is minimally or not responsive to antibiotics.
    • ·         Acute pneumonia that rapidly becomes severe and often leads to poor outcomes in as little as 24-36 hours.

    Owners should monitor their dogs closely for progressive coughing that may be accompanied by signs of ocular or nasal discharges and sneezing. Please consult your veterinarian immediately if those clinical signs develop, particularly if your dog concurrently loses its appetite, has trouble breathing, is coughing continually, or is extremely lethargic.

    We also strongly urge owners to keep their dog’s vaccines updated.  While the existing vaccines may not specifically target this unknown infection, maintaining overall health through routine vaccinations can help support a dog’s immune system in combating various infections. Optimal protection against common respiratory infections includes the annual intranasal vaccine for Bordetella, Adenovirus type 2, and parainfluenza vaccine, combined with the injectable influenza H3N2 vaccine. Avoid bringing a dog into the community until two weeks after the last dose of a vaccine and immunity has developed.

    We have been asked by journalists whether humans can catch this illness from dogs. In general, the risk of people getting sick from dogs with canine infectious respiratory disease is extremely low. However, because we don’t know yet exactly what agent or agents is or are causing the current outbreak, it’s a good idea to thoroughly wash your hands after handling your or other dogs.

    Separately, the San Diego Humane Society (SDHS) is dealing with a canine respiratory illness outbreak exacerbated by overcrowding. The organization said that four of its dogs died after being infected with Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus (also known as Strep zoo), which was complicated by infection with bacterial agent in some cases.

    ·         At this time, there are NO indications that there is a connection between the San Diego situation and the cases in Oregon, Colorado and other areas of the country.


    Colorado Department of Agriculture - https://ag.colorado.gov/canine-respiratory-disease

    Colorado State University CVMBS - https://cvmbs.source.colostate.edu/respiratory-illness-canine/

    Here are recent articles from the media about cases:

    NBC: https://www.today.com/health/mystery-dog-illness-2023-rcna125553
    New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/20/science/dog-respiratory-illness-us.html
    Worms and Germs Blog:

  • April 07, 2023 11:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Xylazine is an important animal sedative used to facilitate the safe handling and treatment of many species. Recently, illicit xylazine is increasingly showing up in street drugs as traffickers have begun mixing xylazine with fentanyl and other narcotics. Collaborative efforts among congressional offices, the AVMA, stakeholders, and federal agencies to address the complexities of the xylazine issue led to the introduction of the Combating Illicit Xylazine Act (H.R. 1839/S. 993) – an AVMA-supported, bipartisan bill that would provide harsher penalties for trafficking illicit xylazine while maintaining current veterinary access to this important animal sedative. Please join the veterinary community and urge your members of Congress to support the Combating Illicit Xylazine Act through the AVMA’s Congressional Advocacy Network.

    LINK: https://avmacan.avma.org/campaign/46288/

  • March 31, 2023 10:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It’s hatching season!   Welcoming new chicks, ducklings, or poults into flocks is one of the most enjoyable parts of poultry keeping. Starting out with healthy poultry and then following good biosecurity practices is the best way to protect flocks from disease. USDA APHIS encourages all partner organizations to remind their stakeholders to do everything possible to keep their birds healthy and reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases like HPAI.   USDA APHIS has also created new resources for youth and first-time poultry owners, such as a biosecurity workbook, a learning guide for youth educators, worksheets, and games! These new materials can be found at: www.bit.ly/DefendtheFlock-Youth.   The Defend the Flock public education program provides checklists, videos, webinars, and educational resources to help poultry growers. Featured outreach materials and social media posts are provided here for you to use at your discretion. High-definition versions of the images below are available upon request.   All materials in the Defend the Flock Resource Center are free and available 24/7 at www.bit.ly/DefendtheFlock-Resources2022. Checklists corresponding to each of the NPIP principles are available in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Arabic, and Hmong. Most of the other materials are also available in Spanish.   We encourage you to share these resources with colleagues, stakeholders, and constituents.

Wyoming VMA
PO Box 883
Saratoga, WY 82331
P: 307.316.0916
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